The Panic of '08A full list of his prediction and the year in which he made them can be found here.
A Dot-Com correction by the second quarter of 2000
October 1997 Pacific Rim currency crisis
August 1998 Russian economic collapse
October 1987 world stock market crash
Demise of the Soviet Union
So let's admit that this guy seems to have a knack for looking at trends and accurately surmising where those trends are heading.
Here's video of Mr. Celente from 2007 accurately predicting the events we are currently experiencing in late 2008 (banking collapse, mortgage industry collapse, stock market collapse):
So I think he's proven that we ought to listen to him when he predicts what is coming down the pike in 2009 and beyond. Unfortunately, it's ugly. He's predicting a 90% decline in the value of the dollar, mass homelessness, and worse by 2012. In short, worse than the Great Depression of the 1930s.
If you think what he is saying about an imminent economic depression and the mass scale suffering that will entail is plausible and possible, don't despair but do prepare. To prepare, go right now and obtain the book "Crash Proof" by Peter Schiff. As I mentioned in an earlier post on this blog, Mr. Schiff has correctly predicted the collapse of the mortgage lending industry which has already happened, and also predicting several other frightening events that have not yet happend, including hyper-inflation, the collapse of the dollar, collapse of the credit card industry and other events that will lead to an economic depression when they happen. Although sobering, he does offer a set of specific actions to take to protect your finances. In a nutshell, get any money you have out of the US stock market, and out of US dollars. Invest in gold, and stock of solid, dividend paying companies that produce essential goods and services like power, water, and food, in countries in Asia and Europe that are still growing.
Check out the book on Amazon, but get it for free at your local library and save yourself $20 that you can invest for the future.

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